Cinemaware was originally founded in 1985, and since then has become a leading developer of interactive entertainment software for next-generation game platforms and the Internet.
Cinemaware`s catalogue of hit game properties includes High Rollers CasinoTM, Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown�, Defender of the Crown�, SDI, The King of ChicagoTM, Sinbad and the Throne of the FalconTM, Rocket RangerTM, The Three Stooges�, Lords of the Rising SunTM, It Came from the DesertTM, WingsTM and the TV SportsTM franchise of sports games.
These titles have collectively sold millions of units across multiple platforms.
Game List:
Released: 1 January 1986
Game data: Binary executable, Data
Genre: Adventure
Language: English
OS: DOS, Windows 9x, Windows XP, Amiga, Atari
S.D.I. screenshots
Released: 1 January 1987
Game data: Binary executable, Data
Genre: Manager aka God, Medieval
Language: English
OS: DOS, Windows 9x, Windows XP, Macintosh, Amiga, Amstrad, Commodore 64, Atari, NES, CD32-CDTV
Defender of the Crown screenshots
Released: 1 January 1987
Game data: Binary executable, Data
Genre: Adventure, Arcade, Criminal
Language: English
OS: DOS, Windows 9x, Windows XP, Macintosh, Amiga
King of Chicago screenshots
Released: 1 January 1988
Game data: Binary executable, Data
Genre: Adventure, Science Fiction
Language: English
OS: DOS, Windows 9x, Windows XP, Amiga, Commodore 64, Atari
Rocket Ranger screenshots
Released: 1 January 1988
Game data: Binary executable, Data
Genre: Sport Simulation, Action
Language: English
OS: Amiga, Turbo Grafx 16 ROM
TV Sports: Football screenshots
Released: 1 January 1989
Game data: Binary executable, Data
Genre: Adventure, Science Fiction
Language: English
OS: DOS, Windows 9x, Windows XP, Amiga, Genesis
It Came from the Desert screenshots
Released: 1 January 1989
Game data: Binary executable, Data
Genre: Sport Simulation, Action
Language: English
OS: DOS, Windows 9x, Windows XP, Turbo Grafx 16 ROM
TV Sports: Basketball screenshots
Released: 1 January 1990
Game data: Binary executable, Data
Genre: Flight Simulator, Arcade
Language: English
OS: Amiga
Wings screenshots
Released: 1 January 1991
Game data: Binary executable, Data
Genre: Sport Simulation, Action
Language: English
OS: DOS, Windows 9x, Windows XP, Amiga
TV Sports: Boxing screenshots