Top 10 Games

1 Castle of the Winds: A Question of Vengeance
2 Subspace - Continuum
3 Warzone 2100
4 Descent
5 Freespace 2
6 Wild Metal Country
7 Hidden And Dangerous
8 One Must Fall 2097
9 The Ur-Quan Masters (Star Control 2)
10 Anacreon

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Codemasters: developer and publisher of video games. On PlayStation�2, Xbox(tm), PC and Nintendo, they are dedicated to bringing games of excellence to players across the globe. For over 18 years, their mission has been to deliver excellent, innovative games based on popular themes and that's become their reputation.

With more than 60 No.1 hits and distributing to over 70 countries globally, Codemasters enjoys an enviable position, earned through the production of such blockbusting brands as Colin McRae Rally(tm), TOCA / DTM / V8 Race Driver(tm), LMA Manager(tm), Operation Flashpoint(tm) and Brian Lara Cricket(tm). The company is headquartered in Warwickshire UK, maintains European operations in Germany, France, Spain, and Benelux and has US headquarters in New York.

Within an increasingly buoyant gaming market, Codemasters is growing.


Game List:

Treasure Island Dizzy

Released: 1 January 1986
Game data: Binary executable, Data
Genre: Platform
Language: English
OS: DOS, Windows 9x, Windows XP
Treasure Island Dizzy screenshots

BMX Simulator

Released: 21 September 1986
Game data: Binary executable, Data
Genre: Sport Simulation
Language: English
OS: Windows 9x, Windows XP, Windows NT
BMX Simulator screenshots